Earlier this year, a Nordic pet food and supply chain, Musti Group announced it was offering paid “pawternity” leave to employees who are new pet parents. They began offering the three-day parental leave on June 1st. The company has 1,500 employees, 90 percent of whom have pets.
"Pets always come first in everything we do, and that's why pawternity leave is a natural step in developing our culture," Musti Group CEO David Ronnberg said. "Adopting a pet is a significant decision and changes everyday life considerably. We want to support our employees during their first days with their new family member and ensure that they can enjoy those precious moments to the fullest."
Now, the Minnesota marketing company, Nina Hale, have created their own “fur-ternity” policy. Instead of the three days of paid leave offered by the pet food company, their policy gives new pet parents the opportunity to work from their home for a week to help their new addition’s assimilation into a new home and routine.
“This is kind of a no-brainer,” the company’s vice president and policy architect told the New York Times. “The idea of offering benefits that just help keep employees at the office, that’s over.”
How do you feel about companies offering “pawternity” leave for new pet owners? Leave a comment below!
